Removal of Compromised Elevated Structural Slab with Hydrodemolition

Gulf Coast Region
Compromised concrete could be catastrophic during any project! If that happens, let Aggregate Technologies ease that pain by removing just compromised area – and put you and team back on schedule and moving forward.

ATI was called upon to remove highly profiled elevated foundation – and preserve the structural integrity along with shoring and rebar – so a newly poured foundation could be on its way.

Hydrodemolition was the best technology to remove just the right amount of concrete – and fastest. Chipping by hand an over 2000 square feet area that is 18″ thick with 15 lb chipping hammers, so not to damage the special rebar, would have been time consuming, costly, and inefficient.

High-pressure water blasting – Hydrodemolition – once again improves the day – if not saves it!

Because there were questions on the integrity of the concrete, ATI operators consulted with structural engineers who gave them a map of how to route the Hydrobot to not risk collapse. Together a plan was worked out where the Hydrobot would travel a predetermined route and blast away concrete – from the side or diagonally – when necessary. This ensured the safety of the crew and prevented any accidents.

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